May 1st:

Dirty Sexy History Podcast


Jessica Cale interviews Susan Wands

April 3rd:

The Culture Buzz interview


John Busbee interviews Susan Wands about High Priestess and Empress.

April 20th:

Susan Wands will lecture on “Yeats and Pamela Coleman Smith: Golden Dawn Magicians and Artists”.

12 pm,  NYU Glucksman Ireland House

One Washington Mews,

Eastside of Fifth Avenue, One Block North of Washington Square Arch


Susan Wands will lecture on “Yeats and Pamela Coleman Smith: Golden Dawn Magicians and Artists”.

12 pm,  NYU Glucksman Ireland House

One Washington Mews,

Eastside of Fifth Avenue, One Block North of Washington Square Arch


April 6th:

Deborah Kalb did a book Q & A with Susan.  Read the interview by clicking on the button below:


January 22nd:

I’ll be doing a presentation on Florence Farr, the leader of Golden Dawn, Suffragist, Teacher, Actress, Magician and Author. We’ll go over her life with photos, rituals she created, the roles George Bernard Shaw and W.B. Yeats played in her love life, and her zest for living!
Join us on January 22nd.  To register, click on the picture below:

Sunday April 23


Susan Wands discusses her book Magician and Fool with Sharonah Rapseik on Magic Universe. The inspiration for the book and Susan’s book series, tarot influences and Pamela’s artwork on display in museums are covered in this one-hour interview.

Saturday April 22nd, 2pm EDT

Kris Waldherr and Susan Wands will discuss how Tarot has influenced their creative process and what are the mystical aspects of Tarot. Register for this free one-hour Zoom event below:

March 2

Dirty Sexy History Podcast


Jessica Cale interviews Susan Wands

March 1, 10 am EST

One on One with Steve Adubato

February 4, 2 pm EST

Catching Up With…


Susan will speak with Simon about Pamela Colman Smith, her tarot deck, the petition for a Heritage Plaque on Pamela’s birthplace, and Susan’s upcoming book: Magician and Fool, Book One, Arcana Oracle Series.